New Old Videos!

Just recently, I got around to posting three “new” videos from our backlog of stuff we’ve been meaning to put online.  Check them out!

Diddy Kong Racing – a stop-motion animation I made at age seven, and as far as I can remember, the very first movie I made without help.  The story is about Diddy Kong, as he struggles to fight four bosses, fight Wizpig, and finally get in a rocket with his friend Drumstick and go fight aliens.

Harry Potter and the Much More Worser Video – an alternate cut of our third Harry Potter film, showcasing a ton of bloopers, bad takes, bad camerawork, as well as a few alternate/deleted scenes from the original film.

A Year in Ten Minutes – an experimental film from 2011, in which we aimed to take at least one shot of something on every day of the year, compressing the events of an entire year into ten minutes.   (For our Earthbound fans, this video also contains a few seconds of footage from the unreleased Earthbound Episode 6!!!)