New Short Films Incoming!!


Hello Internet!  It’s been too long.  We haven’t been updating our social media outlets much lately, but nonetheless we’ve been hard at work on brand-new film projects.inset_filmfestIn case you haven’t heard, Fangamer is going to be hosting an Earthbound-themed convention this summer.  It’s sure to be a worthy follow-up to 2013’s Earthbound Baaaash!!  One of the main events of the convention is going to be the EB Film Fest, for which Ridgway Films will be entering not one, but TWO short films, one of them a brand-new endeavor.  Perhaps some production updates will make it to this site as we race against the clock to get the new short film done on time?

If you have any short films of your own, it’s not too late to enter them!  The deadline is June 1st.